by Shannon Pepper | May 1, 2023 | Risk and Resiliency to Climate Hazards
Saltwater intrusion in the U.S.: a growing threat to water and wastewater utilities Nobody likes getting a huge gulp of seawater. Not only is it not fun to drink, but it also has negative impacts on our health, infrastructure, and environment. Saltwater...
by Shannon Pepper | Apr 14, 2023 | General Management & Finance, Resilience, Utility Management
Blog adapted from: Cybercrime is a rising and evolving threat to water and wastewater systems across the nation. Last year, the federal government’s Critical Infrastructure and Security Agency (CISA) issued an...
by Shannon Pepper | Apr 4, 2023 | Compliance with Drinking Water Regulations
This insightful interview with water quality expert Elin Warn Betanzo P.E. sheds light on the topic of lead contamination and compliance with the revised lead and copper rule. In this podcast you will be introduced to new research regarding lead sampling and...
by Shannon Pepper | Apr 3, 2023 | Access to Wastewater Funding Sources, Access to Water Funding Sources, Uncategorized
State Revolving Funds, or SRFs, can be attractive for many utilities because they offer low-interest loans for expensive capital improvement projects. SRFs provide financing for drinking water projects through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) and...
by Shannon Pepper | Mar 29, 2023 | Water System Collaboration, Workforce Development
This blog was originally posted at: Water and wastewater systems across the country have faced challenges finding and retaining operators over the last few years...