Environmental Problems Require Holistic Solutions
We understand that the problems communities face, from paying for expensive capital improvement projects to retaining qualified staff, are complex and deeply rooted in social, environmental, and ecological systems. Our network members work together on several cross-cutting initiatives to bridge critical gaps in community capacity.

Building TMF Capacity for Small Water Systems Project
Building TMF Capacity for Small Water Systems expands the breadth and depth of our project, previously known as Smart Management for Small Water Systems, to enable an additional focus on technical capacity along with the managerial, and financial capacity previously included.

Serving Tribal Communities
The EFCN serves Tribal communities by providing no-cost training and technical assistance to small water and wastewater systems in Tribes across the nation.

Expanding the Water Workforce
Across the environmental sector, communities and utilities are struggling to recruit and keep experienced staff. As older generations retire, ensuring that there is a pipeline of qualified candidates is a critical public health need.

Vulnerability, Risk, and Resilience
The EFCN encourages local governments, water and wastewater systems, and planning groups to take a holistic and proactive approach to asset management.

MOST Center: Municipal Online Stormwater Training Center
The MOST Center is an online resource that helps communities to address major challenges to their water systems. The platform achieves this goal by providing a range of free educational resources such as video, courses, manuals, etc to water system professionals.