by Shannon Pepper | May 19, 2023 | Decentralized Wastewater Systems
Do you know how to recognize septic tank odors? This quick video explains the two places where septic odors may occur.
by Shannon Pepper | May 17, 2023 | Treatment Processes, Wastewater
Lagoons are an effective measure for treating wastewater used for communities and private homes alike, but how do they work?
by Shannon Pepper | May 1, 2023 | Risk and Resiliency to Climate Hazards
Saltwater intrusion in the U.S.: a growing threat to water and wastewater utilities Nobody likes getting a huge gulp of seawater. Not only is it not fun to drink, but it also has negative impacts on our health, infrastructure, and environment. Saltwater...
by Shannon Pepper | Apr 24, 2023 | Asset Management, Utility Management, Wastewater
This podcast discusses the importance of asset management, what issues an asset management plan helps to address, and plan implementation.
by Shannon Pepper | Apr 21, 2023 | Decentralized Wastewater Systems, Wastewater
This podcast compares centralized and decentralized wastewater systems and describes the advantages and disadvantages of each system type.