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Webinar | Resiliency Means Business! Preparing for Risks to Safe & Reliable Service

1042 1042 people viewed this event.
Date and Time: 8-9-2022 @ 01:00 PM (EDT) to 8-9-2022 @ 02:00 PM (EDT)
Location: Online Event

View/Download | Presentation Slides

View/Download | Resiliency Resource Handout

Description: We hear about “resilience” a lot these days — given the many pressures and uncertainties felt by businesses, organizations and even individuals. For lifeline drinking water utilities, business continuity and performance is a matter of health and life safety. Resilience is often first thought of in terms of emergency and hazard recovery preparations. It extends beyond that to how business is supported in all ongoing aspects. This webinar serves as an introduction to this broad approach, and a gateway to free tools and assistance available from U.S. EPA and the Environmental Finance Center Network. Topics include: How to scan risk broadly, including the uncertainty of a changing environment; Access to tools through a downloaded guided inventory document and discussion of examples during the webinar, and; Opportunities for further one-on-one technical and training assistance from the Network.

Presenter: Dr. Jack Kartez, Senior Advisor and Emeritus Director, New England Environmental Finance Center at the University of Southern Maine

Cost: Complimentary.

Please Note: This webinar has NOT been submitted for approval of continuing education credit. We can provide a certificate of attendance to eligible attendees, but cannot guarantee it will meet your PDH or CEU requirements. 

Who Should Attend:

  • Managers, owners, and operators of water systems serving less than 10,000 people
  • Decision-makers for water utilities, including mayors, finance officers, utility managers, public works directors, city councilors, board members, tribal council members, and clerks
  • Consultants and technical assistance providers serving water systems


New England Environmental Finance Center

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