by Shannon Pepper | Nov 21, 2022 | Green Infrastructure, Managerial & Financial Leadership, Stormwater
This podcast episode from the Southwest Environmental Finance Center discusses the benefits of developing a green infrastructure initiative and key components in developing a program.
by Shannon Pepper | Sep 30, 2022 | General Management & Finance, Infrastructure Renewal/ Replacement, Managerial & Financial Leadership
Many rural communities across the country have long faced demographic challenges as the changing economy has continued to push residents towards jobs in urban and suburban centers. The remote work revolution and the reconsideration of living in rural areas ushered in...
by Jerry Gunasegaram | Jul 27, 2022 | Affordability, Financial Management, Fiscal Planning & Rate Setting, Managerial & Financial Leadership
Drinking water utilities are often expected to deliver high-quality service while keeping rates low. This can result in under-investment in water infrastructure or an inability to meet public health and environmental standards. However, rate increases may place a...
by Jerry Gunasegaram | Jul 27, 2022 | Access to Wastewater Funding Sources, Access to Water Funding Sources, Additional Support Organizations, Affordability, Financial Management, Fiscal Planning & Rate Setting, Funding Coordination, General Management & Finance, Managerial & Financial Leadership
Nevada’s Department of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Finance Center at California State University, Sacramento joined EFCN for a series of webinars focused on funding and financing strategies and opportunities for Nevada water services. The webinars...