by Shannon Pepper | Sep 30, 2022 | General Management & Finance, Infrastructure Renewal/ Replacement, Managerial & Financial Leadership
Many rural communities across the country have long faced demographic challenges as the changing economy has continued to push residents towards jobs in urban and suburban centers. The remote work revolution and the reconsideration of living in rural areas ushered in...
by Shannon Pepper | Aug 16, 2022 | Communications and Outreach, Infrastructure Renewal/ Replacement, Wastewater
Often, when we think about wastewater infrastructure costs we only think about the costs incurred during the construction phase. In this podcast episode, Dawn Nall, research engineer for the Environmental Finance Center with expertise in wastewater management,...
by Jerry Gunasegaram | Jul 26, 2022 | General Management & Finance, Green Infrastructure, Infrastructure Renewal/ Replacement, Managerial & Financial Leadership
This webinar will help you move forward with a capital improvement plan for your utility. “Ask the Expert” webinars are a unique opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback from capital improvement planning professionals or listen to Q&A from...
by Jerry Gunasegaram | Jul 26, 2022 | Infrastructure Renewal/ Replacement
Webinar on lead service line replacement.
by Jerry Gunasegaram | Jul 26, 2022 | Infrastructure Renewal/ Replacement
Infrastructure upgrades and improvements are a necessary part of operating a small water or wastewater system, but they can often be difficult to get started. In this webinar, you will: * Learn where to look for sources of infrastructure funding, including USDA Rural...