Welcome to Future Water Leaders!
This page is for teachers, school counselors, utility staff, and anyone who wants to teach young people (K-12+) about drinking water, wastewater, and water reclamation and all of the unique and amazing jobs in the water field.
The Educator Resource Hub is your one-stop shop for water education curriculum, videos, information, tools, and more! Resources are arranged by type, age group, and learning objective.
The following learning objectives are designed to guide students in understanding the importance of water, exploring human-water interactions, gaining insights into water systems, recognizing the value of water workers, and much more. These objectives are curated to foster a holistic understanding of water-related topics and inspire future leaders in the field.

Learning Objectives:
1. Understanding the importance of water.
2. Human-water interactions: Water governance, structures, community, ethics, civic engagement
3. Understanding water systems: drinking water, stormwater, wastewater
4. Understanding the value of water workers
5. Career and educational pathways in the water industry: college, technical school, non-college careers
6. Connections within the water industry: professional associations, networking, collaboration
7. Connecting student to careers in the water industry
8. Fostering water leadership in students: students as teachers, community outreach and education, support for local utilities