by Shannon Pepper | Feb 1, 2023 | Decentralized Wastewater Systems
Have you ever wondered where your water goes after you use it? For most communities, sewage and wastewater go to centralized sewage systems that treat human waste and easily degradable solids. In more suburban and rural communities, it’s not uncommon for...
by Shannon Pepper | Jan 27, 2023 | Access to Water Funding Sources, Treatment Processes
In June of 2022, the EPA announced a huge pot of money available for Emerging Contaminants in small and disadvantaged communities — $5 billion, to be exact. The grants that are available to states through this fund are meant to address the health problem...
by Shannon Pepper | Jan 17, 2023 | Utility Management, Wastewater, Workforce Development
Becky Lewis worked in the wastewater field for 32 years. She started her career as a laboratory technician and retired from her position as Water Resources & Recovery Division Manager a few months ago. Tonya Bronleewe from the Environmental Finance Center at...
by Shannon Pepper | Jan 12, 2023 | Access to Water Funding Sources, Additional Support Organizations
Finding funding for your small water system can be tough. Luckily, technical assistance programs exist today to help connect utility operators and managers with the right teams to help you plan for the new and unexpected, understand local and federal requirements,...
by Shannon Pepper | Jan 5, 2023 | Access to Wastewater Funding Sources, Access to Water Funding Sources
Both nationally and internationally, many assume that residents of the United States live with universal access to drinking water and sanitation. However, according to data from the American Community Survey and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 489,836 US...