by Shannon Pepper | Dec 5, 2022 | Risk and Resiliency to Climate Hazards
Of the two million people in the U.S. who lack access to clean water, one in eight live in Puerto Rico. This short video, narrated by SU-EFC Program Manager Dr. Kaira Fuentes, talks about the importance of community-led aqueducts in the Caribbean, and what these...
by Shannon Pepper | Dec 2, 2022 | General Management & Finance, Risk and Resiliency to Climate Hazards
El 18 de septiembre de 2022, el huracán Fiona tocó tierra en Puerto Rico. El huracán de categoría 1, que azotó cinco años después de que los huracanes María e Irma devastaran la isla, provocó inundaciones repentinas y deslizamientos de tierra y dejó a cientos de miles...
by Shannon Pepper | Dec 2, 2022 | General Management & Finance, Risk and Resiliency to Climate Hazards
On September 18, 2022, Hurricane Fiona made landfall in Puerto Rico. The Category 1 Hurricane, which hit five years after Hurricane Maria and Hurricane Irma devastated the island, caused flash floods and landslides and left hundreds of thousands of people without...
by Shannon Pepper | Nov 23, 2022 | Risk and Resiliency to Climate Hazards, Source Water Protection
Water from snow is a crucial resource for many communities. Unfortunately, climate change is causing snow resources to rapidly change. In this podcast from the Southwest Environmental Finance Center, we discuss why water from snow is so important, how it’s...
by Averi Davis | Aug 29, 2022 | Resilience, Risk and Resiliency to Climate Hazards
Date: April 14, 2022 Description: When it comes to water resilience, success stories sometimes seem confined to bigger cities. This session, from the 2022 Tap Into Resilience Summit, focuses on how water resilience strategies can be scaled down so they are achievable...
by Shannon Pepper | Aug 9, 2022 | Resilience, Risk and Resiliency to Climate Hazards
EPA’s Creating Resilient Water Utilities (CRWU) initiative provides drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater (water sector) utilities with practical tools, training, and technical assistance needed to increase resilience to climate change. CRWU helps utilities...