by Mark Ogrentz | Dec 8, 2023
In this activity students become environmental engineers as they model membranes and membrane treatments to remove scaling during water filtration using cheese cloth to represent a simple membrane. LINKS Crystalline Cloth Membrane Activity
by Mark Ogrentz | Dec 8, 2023
An array of environmental and science based lesson plans, activities and ideas below from EPA, other federal agencies and external organizations. LINKS Water Lesson Plans, Teacher Guides and Online Environmental Resources for Educators
by Mark Ogrentz | Dec 8, 2023
A full watershed protection summary and plan, this one is for Hillsdale Lake. Includes a full breakdown of surface water threats and mitigation methods. LINKS Hillsdale Lake Watershed Coalition (PPTs and water testing supplies)
by Mark Ogrentz | Dec 8, 2023
short story about the important contribution to community health by a water operator. Testing and notification regarding total coliform. LINKS Impact of a Skilled Water Operator
by Mark Ogrentz | Dec 8, 2023
Students learn about the techniques engineers have developed for changing ocean water into drinking water, including thermal and membrane desalination. LINKS Ocean Water Desalination Lesson