by Allison Perch | Feb 27, 2020 | Asset Management
The Southwest Environmental Finance Center has partnered with EPA to create a repository of documentation and tools related to Asset Management. Whether you are new to the Asset Management process or just need a refresher on a specific topic, the resource you are...
by Francine | May 3, 2019 | General Management & Finance, Managerial & Financial Leadership, Water System Collaboration
In practice, the EFCs have seen interlocal water and wastewater agreements ranging from one page to over 30 pages. Longer is not always better, but the considerations laid out in this guidance document are a good starting point for identifying the types of things that...
by Andrea Kopaskie | Jul 27, 2017 | Asset Management
The Level of Service Handout and Level of Service Goal Measurement Table are both included in the resource list.
by Andrea Kopaskie | Jul 27, 2017 | Asset Management
The Inventory Reference Guide lists assets by category (hydrants, meters, pipes, pumps, etc.). In tabular form it provides a list of the information you should collect about the asset when completing your asset inventory. The tables suggest what should be collected...
by Andrea Kopaskie | Jul 27, 2017 | Water Loss Reduction
When using the AWWA Water Audit software for flow weighted average you will find one input location for master meter and supply error adjustments for each of the following: volume from own sources, water imported and water exported. If you have more than one master...