by Jerry Gunasegaram | Jul 27, 2022 | Financial Management, Fiscal Planning & Rate Setting, General Management & Finance, Managerial & Financial Leadership, Utility Management
Regional Development Organizations (RDOs), known locally as councils of governments, regional planning commissions, economic development districts, and other names, provide various types of assistance to their member communities in a host of service areas. During this...
by Jerry Gunasegaram | Jul 27, 2022 | Financial Management, Funding Coordination, General Management & Finance, Managerial & Financial Leadership, Resilience, Utility Management
Long-term planning is important to the success of water systems. As the great sage Yogi Berra pointed out, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” This webinar will cover the key elements of different types of long-term plans, including...
by Jerry Gunasegaram | Jul 27, 2022 | Access to Wastewater Funding Sources, Access to Water Funding Sources, Additional Support Organizations, Financial Management, Fiscal Planning & Rate Setting, Funding Coordination, General Management & Finance, Managerial & Financial Leadership, Risk and Resiliency to Climate Hazards
In light of increasing development and ever-changing future conditions, increasingly stressed infrastructure, and growing financial pressures, integrating hazard mitigation and water quality-focused resource management is becoming more and more critical to the success...
by Jerry Gunasegaram | Jul 27, 2022 | Water Loss Reduction
In this webinar series, experts from the Southwest Environmental Finance Center show small water systems why and how to complete a water audit and provide guidance on using the audit results to further water loss control within their utilities.
by Jerry Gunasegaram | Jul 27, 2022 | Asset Management, Compliance with Drinking Water Regulations, Compliance with Wastewater Regulations
For small systems, Asset Management may seem like a daunting task to add to the day-to-day operations of your utility. However, Asset Management can actually make your job easier. Asset Management applies common sense practices to provide water services and is meant...