Surface Tension lab

Students extend their understanding of surface tension by exploring the real-world engineering problem of deciding what makes a “good” soap bubble. Student teams first measure this property, and then use this measurement to determine the best soap solution...

Swamp Cooler design activity

Using a household fan, cardboard box and paper towels, student teams design and build their own evaporative cooler prototype devices. They learn about the process that cools water during the evaporation of water. LINKS Swamp Cooler design activity

The Big Chill water chemistry activity

In the presence of water, citric acid and sodium bicarbonate (aka baking soda) react to form sodium citrate, water, and carbon dioxide. Students investigate this endothermic reaction. LINKS The Big Chill water chemistry activity

Tippy Tappy Piping design activity

In this activity, student teams design, prototype and test piping systems to transport water from a storage tank to an existing Tippy Tap hand-washing station, thereby creating a more efficient hand-washing station. Through this example service-learning engineering...