Scholarship List, AWWA

Resources and information for scholarships and educational support that is available through the AWWA. LINKS Scholarship List, AWWA

Science Take Out

Kit-based educational resources, which offers ready-to-use experiments and learning modules for educators. LINKS Science Take Out

Selectively Permeable Membranes

Students learn that engineers develop different polymers to serve various functions and are introduced to selectively permeable membranes. LINKS Selectively Permeable Membranes

Should I Drink That?

Students perform one of the first steps that environmental engineers do to determine water quality—sampling and analysis. Student teams measure the electrical conductivity of four water samples (deionized water, purified water, school tap water and a salt-water...

Starting Out in Volunteer Water Monitoring

EPA brochure explaining the basics of volunteer water monitoring. Get students engaged with their local water bodies while assisting researchers and local leaders working to protect these areas. LINKS Starting Out in Volunteer Water Monitoring