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Webinar | Operator Certification: Modified Treatment Processes

1333 1333 people viewed this event.
Date and Time: 7-12-2023 @ 12:00 PM (EDT) to 7-12-2023 @ 01:00 PM (EDT)
Location: Online Event

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Join EFCN for this webinar series designed to help small wastewater system operators pass their certification exams. The series starts with a 1-hour overview of study tips and test preparation techniques. Each subsequent 1-hour webinar will focus on a single topic typically found in Level 1 and Level 2 exams including, but not limited to: Collection Systems, Treatment Overviews, Disinfection and Solids Handling Basics, NPDES Regulations, Wastewater Math, Safety, Sampling and Reporting and other general wastewater topics. Each session will include sample questions and a short Q and A period.

While this series is primarily focused on helping new operators achieve their Level 1 and 2 certifications, currently certified operators looking to pass higher level tests can also benefit from attendance as higher-level certification tests are cumulative and typically cover basic as well as advanced treatment topics.

Session 12: This session will focus on technologies that utilize traditional wastewater treatment processes and modify them to increase their efficiencies and decrease their land requirements. We will be discussing the theory, application, components, and operations of both membrane biological reactors (MBRs) and sequencing batch reactors (SBRs).

Presenter: A.J. Barney, Research Engineer, Southwest Environmental Finance Center

Certificate: This webinar has NOT been submitted for continuing education credit approval. We can provide a certificate of attendance to eligible attendees but cannot guarantee it will meet your PDH or CEU requirements.

Who Should Attend:

  • Managers, owners, and operators of wastewater systems with an average daily flow of less than 1 million gallons
  • Decision-makers for wastewater utilities, including mayors, finance officers, utility managers, public works directors, city councilors, board members, tribal council members, and clerks
  • Consultants and technical assistance providers serving wastewater systems



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