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ID Online Training | Resiliency Means Business! Introductory Training for Small Water Systems On Preparing for Risks to Safe & Reliable Service

548 548 people viewed this event.
Date and Time: 6-30-2022 @ 09:00 AM (MDT) to 6-30-2022 @ 11:00 AM (MDT)
Location: Online Event

Description: We hear about “resilience” a lot these days — given the many pressures and uncertainties felt by businesses, organizations and even individuals. For lifeline utilities that supply drinking water, business continuity and performance is a matter of health and life safety. Being resilient is often thought of in terms of emergency and hazards preparations and disaster recovery, but it extends beyond that. It is a way of taking care of business in all ongoing aspects. This overview training offers participants the following:

  • Introduction to how your organization can identify and respond to both routine pressures and acute future events, as an ongoing practice;
  • Understanding the requirements of AWIA (American Water Infrastructure Act) Section 2013 for Risk and Resilience Assessment; Tools to address.
  • A focus section on dealing with a changing (nonstationary) climate, uncertainty, and guidelines for developing adaptations (countermeasures and
  • Exercises in self-assessment; Case examples.

Trainer: Dr. Jack Kartez, Senior Advisor and Emeritus Director, New England Environmental Finance Center at the University of Southern Maine

Cost: Complimentary.

Who Should Attend:

  • Managers, owners, and operators of water systems serving less than 10,000 people
  • Decision-makers for water utilities, including mayors, finance officers, utility managers, public works directors, city councilors, board members, tribal council members, and clerks
  • Consultants and technical assistance providers serving water systems

Continuing Education Units: Pending Approval.
