Written by: John Sullivan, PE, Sr. Research Engineer at the Great Lakes Environmental Infrastructure Center
Image courtesy of ThisisEngineering on Unsplash

Engineers are an important partner in any proposed infrastructure project. With projects intended to benefit the community, community members are the owners of the project and ultimately control the outcomes. It is important to emphasize the community’s current assets in new engineering design solutions. The design process should be collaborative, where the community and engineer work together as partners.

In many small communities, the owner will be represented by the entire governing body; however, in some communities, they are represented by the Chief Executive Officer or a designated staff person. The engineer hired must be a licensed professional engineer in the state where the project will occur. The engineer will be involved in the project’s planning and, most likely for a small community, will also be involved in the funding application. They are also responsible for the project design and creating the project documents including the detailed specifications for project components, and the necessary contract documents like the terms and conditions. The engineer will assist with bidding and awarding the contract to the successfully qualified contractor. During construction, the engineer will be responsible for construction observation and will assist in the administration of the contract. Keep reading for more details on each of these aspects of working with an engineer on water and wastewater infrastructure projects.

Engineer Selection Process

Often, small communities have a previous partnership with an engineer; however, for a major infrastructure project, the most qualified engineer should be selected by the community using the Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS) process. This will ensure that the community receives the best possible partnership based on the type of project being considered. Rather than procuring help from an engineering firm based on price factors, this selection process is based on the qualifications and experience of a consultant. The steps of QBS include defining the project needs, advertising the QBS, reviewing the responses, interviewing the top three candidates, and finally, negotiating the engineering agreement. QBS is not a low-bid procedure. Most federal and state agencies require this process for the choice of the engineer who will be responsible for the planning, design, and construction observation of the project. The Great Lakes Environmental Infrastructure Center (GLEIC), which is the EPA Environmental Finance Center for Region 5, can assist a community with the steps in the QBS process. Do not hesitate to reach out to GLEIC, you can find their information on their website and at the end of this blog.

Overview of Engineer Responsibilities

Planning Phase

In the planning phase, the engineer will prepare a preliminary engineering report. This report will set the stage for understanding the condition of existing infrastructure, prioritizing project upgrades, and evaluating solutions that are feasible, safe, sustainable, and cost-effective. Developing a cost estimate and obtaining funding for the improvement project is crucial in the planning phase. The engineer selected should have experience in assisting with funding applications for both the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) programs and the USDA Rural Development programs for water and wastewater infrastructure projects.

Design Phase

Once the project’s funding obligation is in place, the engineer will proceed with curating a design that aligns with the project goals and requirements as well as the vision of the community. The many phases of engineering design are dynamic and involve much brainstorming, collaboration, and site investigation. The engineer also prepares contract documents during the design phase. The contract documents include the construction plans and specifications that are utilized to turn the project into reality.

Bidding Phase

Once the design is complete, and all permits and agency approvals are secured, the bidding process begins. Bids should be advertised locally and regionally. Qualified contractors should be advised of the bid advertisement. The qualified contractor with the lowest bid who meets all the project requirements should be determined. The contract documents need to be signed by the owner and contractor and submitted to the funding agency for approval. Once approved, a formal award of the contract is issued, and construction begins.

Construction Phase

During construction, the engineer will observe to ensure the project proceeds according to the contract document. The engineer will review and approve the contractor’s monthly pay requests and attend the monthly meetings of the owner to report on the project progress and recommend payment to the contractor.

Monitoring Phase

When the project is complete, the engineer will complete a final punch list, monitor its completion, and recommend a final payment to the contractor. The engineer should be available to consult with the owner during the project warranty period, which is typically one year.

For assistance working with project engineers, reach out to the Great Lakes Environmental Finance Center:

Website: https://gleic.org/

Email: gleic-support@mtu.edu

Phone Number: (906) 487-2102