Vulnerability, Risk, and Resilience

The EFCN encourages local governments, water and wastewater systems, and planning groups to take holistic and proactive approach that: looks to asset management, collaboration, and other cost saving measures; integrates long-term drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, and green infrastructure planning to create efficiencies and accomplish multiple community priorities; and, leverages economic development opportunities. 

Photo of a water treatment facility

Our work with small systems focuses on:

  • Promoting efficient ways to achieve regulatory and compliance expectations;
  • Using asset management, One Water planning across multiple community utilities or jurisdictions and green infrastructure approaches to reduce costs and leverage multiple community priorities;
  • Considering metrics that indicate the affordability of system rates and appropriate customer assistance programs;
  • Applying a resilience lens to planning and operations that improves emergency preparedness and disaster recovery;
  • Tailoring materials and communications to effectively engage leadership, elected officials, and the public in understanding needs and operation and informing decision making;
  • Helping access infrastructure funding programs including state revolving loan funding; and,
  • Facilitating peer-to-peer exchange, partnerships, and regional approaches.

Project Leadership:

Jennifer Cotting

Environmental Finance Center University of Maryland
School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
(301) 405-5495

Tess Clark Photo

Tess Clark

Program Manager
Syracuse Environmental Finance Center