This project helps utilities address the challenges of revenue gaps, which are exacerbated by rising customer expectations, declining water consumption, aging infrastructure, and necessary integration of utility finance functions with asset management, environmental justice, risk management, and other initiatives. The products of this project lay the groundwork for a shift in thinking by utilities to modernize financial and management practices by strengthening linkages among systems, processes, and decision-making practices. In addition to the research report, the project produced the following products: (1) a Revenue Risk Assessment Tool and Customer Assistance Program Cost Estimation Tool available under Project Resources/Web Tools, (2) three videos that summarize the project results available under this project description, and (3) Chapters 1 to 4 of the report as standalone documents under Project Resources/Project Papers. Research partner: EPA.
Source: Water Research Foundation
Publication: Defining a Resilient Business Model for Water Utilities
Date: 2014