Source: SW EFC – A.J. Barney
Date: 12/16/2024

Calculating Chlorine Dosage, Feed Rate and Residual

Chlorine is a useful disinfectant for wastewater treatment and can be introduced in liquid, gas, or solid form. The required chlorine dosage for wastewater treatment depends on a variety of factors including the chlorine demand of the wastewater, the availability of de-chlorination, detention time, and regulatory limits for chlorine residuals in a systems wastewater discharge. To calculate the chlorine demand of your system, a system needs to record their feed rates of chlorine and analyze the residual chlorine in their system after chlorine treatment… Read More in the available PDF 

Chlorination Estimator

The Chlorination Estimator is a simple excel tool that operators can use to calculate their chlorine needs. By inputing a few simple wastewater parameters operators can calculate the chlorine feed rate needed to achieve a desired chlorine dosage, the required chlorine dosage required based on the desired chlorine residual and known chlorine demand, and likely chlorine residual.