by Shannon Pepper | Dec 8, 2022 | Groundwater
This podcast describes the function of groundwater wells and the importance of proper operation to protect the groundwater aquifer, an important source of drinking water.
by Shannon Pepper | Dec 2, 2022 | General Management & Finance, Risk and Resiliency to Climate Hazards
El 18 de septiembre de 2022, el huracán Fiona tocó tierra en Puerto Rico. El huracán de categoría 1, que azotó cinco años después de que los huracanes María e Irma devastaran la isla, provocó inundaciones repentinas y deslizamientos de tierra y dejó a cientos de miles...
by Shannon Pepper | Dec 1, 2022 | Access to Wastewater Funding Sources, Access to Water Funding Sources
With the holidays right around the corner, water and wastewater utilities are once again thinking to the new year and needed capital improvement projects on the horizon. Luckily there is an unprecedented amount of funding from the federal government to support...
by Shannon Pepper | Nov 30, 2022 | Asset Management, Energy Management, Wastewater
In this blog, we are talking with Sharon Nall of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) where she oversees the Planning, Protection and Assistance Section within the Wastewater Engineering Bureau. Our discussion focuses on the state’s Wastewater...
by Shannon Pepper | Nov 23, 2022 | Resilience
In this podcast from Wichita State University, we discuss why emergency response planning is necessary and the three areas of emergency response that your utility can being to brainstorm to jump start your emergency response planning efforts.