Water Cycle Diagrams

Visual representation of the water cycle, and additional links and resouces to learn about both human impacted and natual water cycles. Includes resources for multiple languages and materials for kids. LINKS Water Cycle Diagrams

Water Remediation Lab

Students measure the effectiveness of water filters in purifying contaminated water. They prepare test water by creating different concentrations of bleach (chlorine-contaminated) water. LINKS Water Remediation Lab

Water Sourcebooks, EPA

From the EPA, a full, in-depth look at water. The Water Source Book includes a series of activities related to learning about water oriented at learners 6-8 grade. LINKS Water Sourcebooks, EPA

Wetland Walk Manual & Worksheet

Use this guide and worksheet from EPA to explore your local wetland with students. The learning emphasis is on survey skills and understanding of wetland ecology and human interactions. LINKS Wetland Walk Manual & Worksheet