Pipe Up!

Use game pieces to build a working system of pipes and flushables to safely deliver water from start to finish. LINKS Pipe Up!

Project WET

Provides “hands-on, science-based water education resources to formal and non-formal educators around the world. These resources encourage responsible environmental stewardship and promote meaningful action to address environmental challenges, climate change,...

Pump It! Water Engineering Design Activity

In this hands-on activity, student groups design, build, test and improve devices to pump water as if they were engineers helping a rural village meet their drinking water supply. Students keep track of their materials costs, and calculate power and cost efficiencies...

River Runner

Interactive aerial-based program that allows users to choose a drop point and then follow water as it travels the natural watercourses. LINKS River Runner

Save a life, Clean some water activity

Student teams practice water quality analysis through turbidity measurement and coliform bacteria counts. They use information about water treatment processes to design prototype small-scale water treatment systems and test the influent (incoming) and effluent...