
Under the water of many lakes and streams is the amazing world of the macroinvertebrate (MAC-row-in-VERT-ih-brate). Macroinvertebrates are often called macros. They are invertebrates (animals without a backbone) that you can see without using a microscope or...

Florida’s aquifers: The treasure below

The main source of water for 90% of northeast and central Florida comes from underground aquifers. Aquifers can be thought of as vast underground, porous rocks that hold water and allow water to move through the holes within the rock. Aquifers can be composed of...

Water pollution: The dirty details

Protecting and restoring water quality is a core mission of the St. Johns River Water Management District. A key component of this work is water quality monitoring and reporting. Monitoring provides a wealth of information that enables the District to make resource...

What’s Your Water-Saving Super Hero Name?

ARE YOU MONSOON MAVERICK OR SPRINKLE GUARDIAN? Use your birth month and the first letter of your name to discover your water-saving alter ego! Once you uncover your water-saving superhero name, connect the dots to see what your super water-saver looks like and make...