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Webinar | Steps to Develop a Tribal (or Rural) Onsite Wastewater Management Program

1570 1570 people viewed this event.
Date and Time: 6-4-2024 @ 01:00 PM (EDT) to 6-4-2024 @ 02:00 PM (EDT)
Location: Online Event

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Description: Join us for an introduction to developing a Tribal onsite wastewater program. In this webinar we’ll provide an overview of the administrative, managerial, and inspection tasks required to develop a tribal onsite wastewater program. By the conclusion of this 1-hour webinar, attendees will have gained a greater understanding of the four components of a tribal onsite wastewater program and will gain skills and knowledge required to implement a program in their community.

Learning Objectives:

  • Goals and characteristics of onsite wastewater management
  • Factors affecting onsite system design and installation
  • Effects of poorly functioning onsite systems on groundwater
  • Percolation test significance and treatment effectiveness
  • Contrasts between onsite and centralized treatment
  • Regulations and standards for onsite systems

Presenter: Gregory Pearson, Water & Wastewater Trainer, Great Lakes Environmental Infrastructure Center at Michigan Technological University

Certificate: This webinar has NOT been submitted for approval of continuing education credit. We can provide a certificate of attendance to eligible attendees, but cannot guarantee it will meet your PDH or CEU requirements.

Who Should Attend:

  • Wastewater and water operators, public works employees, utility board members, tribal government officials, city officials, and engineers involved in onsite wastewater permitting, design, installation, operation, maintenance, and program management.
  • Individual homeowners with onsite wastewater systems may also benefit from the concepts covered in this presentation.



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