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Webinar | Onsite Wastewater Series: Onsite Wastewater Treatment Processes

1706 1706 people viewed this event.
Date and Time: 8-22-2024 @ 01:00 PM (EDT) to 8-22-2024 @ 02:00 PM (EDT)
Location: Online Event

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Description: Join us for a 1-hour webinar providing an in-depth exploration of the physical, chemical, and microbiological processes in onsite wastewater systems, highlighting their role in effective treatment and water quality protection. Designed to offer insight into the core mechanisms of these systems, this session explains how septic tanks and leachfields function at a foundational level.

By the conclusion of this webinar,  attendees will be able to perform the following:
  • Define the fixed growth process in wastewater treatment.
  • Describe the key characteristics of domestic wastewater entering onsite systems.
  • Explain the treatment processes occurring in septic tanks and leachfields, including physical, chemical, and microbiological aspects.
  • Trace the path of wastewater through the treatment process and understand the fate of wastewater solids.
  • Assess how malfunctioning onsite systems can affect groundwater quality.
  • Interpret percolation test results and understand their relevance to the effectiveness of treatment.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding and take your knowledge to the next level!

Presenter: Gregory Pearson, Water & Wastewater Trainer, Great Lakes Environmental Infrastructure Center at Michigan Technological University

Certificate: This webinar has NOT been submitted for approval of continuing education credit. We can provide a certificate of attendance to eligible attendees, but cannot guarantee it will meet your PDH or CEU requirements.

Who Should Attend:

  • Individual homeowners and managers of onsite wastewater systems, including septic tank owners
  • Municipal and county officials overseeing local septic programs and decentralized wastewater systems
  • Wastewater management professionals, including engineers, planners, environmental consultants, and Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) staff
  • Decision-makers for wastewater utilities and those seeking resources on decentralized wastewater systems and septic tank management



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