Utah | Managing your Water System into the Future
This workshop will cover skills and information to help you manage your water system successfully now and into the future. Topics include:
- Have the right people to run your system
- Ensure you get the longest life out of your infrastructure and have a plan to replace it
- Have the money you need for operations and capital
- Communicate these plans and financial needs to decision makers and the public
Who Should Attend:
• Managers, owners, and operators of small water systems serving less than 10,000 people, including local government systems and tribal systems, as well as all other types of water systems, such as: homeowners associations, mobile home parks, resorts/campgrounds, schools, prisons, and more
• Decision-makers for water utilities, including mayors, finance officers, utility managers, public works directors, city councilors, board members, tribal council members, and clerks
• Consultants and technical assistance providers serving water systems
Training Hours: This class has been approved for .6 CEUs.
Trainer: Matthew Kennedy,Rural Development Specialist, RCAC
Contact: Matthew Kennedy, mkennedy@RCAC.ORG