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South Carolina | Intermediate Asset Management: Beyond the Basics

313 313 people viewed this event.
Date and Time: 4-24-2018 @ 09:00 AM (EST) to @ 04:30 PM (EST)

Have you attended an introductory asset management workshop in the past? Have you read about asset management? Do you know the basics but not what to do next? If so, this workshop is for you. We will examine the next steps you can take in your asset management journey.

We will discuss:
– Techniques, tools, and examples for developing asset inventories and build maps
– Setting and measuring level of service goals
– Using data to generate probability of failure–such as pipe break data–which is the first part of criticality, and how to add consequences to the analysis
– Developing a simple Capital Improvement Plan from existing data
– Developing an asset valuation for your system

While all attendees are welcome, this workshop is most suited for attendees who have some understanding of the basics of asset management.

CEUs: Please Note – South Carolina does not pre-approve credit hours for operators. Attendees will be presented with certificates of attendance, and operators must then submit for credit individually.
Trainer: Dawn Nall – Program Manager, Southwest Environmental Finance Center
Contact: Francine Stefan,