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New Jersey | Asset Management for Small Water Systems

386 386 people viewed this event.
Date and Time: 1-18-2018 @ 08:15 AM (EST) to @ 04:15 PM (EST)

Cost: Free. Please register to reserve your spot.
CEUs: The course is approved for 5.0 TCH toward NJ Water/wastewater licenses, and .525 CEUs or 5.25 contact hours from the New York State Bureau of Water Supply Protection (ATC #20-8086-15540).

With increasing regulations, decreasing revenues, and aging infrastructure, an asset management approach is vital. You may have problems related to unknown locations of meters, valves or hydrants. You may not be sure of the best asset to replace given your limited funds. Asset Management can help you solve these problems and more.

You will learn how to:
– Develop an inventory of utility components
– Identify critical assets to sustained operations
– Make decisions about how to operate, maintain, repair, and replace those assets
– Set goals for level of service at a sustainable cost

Trainer: Dawn Nall, Program Manager, Southwest Environmental Finance Center
Chris Andreasen, Chair – AWWA NJ Infrastructure Management Committee

Contact: Francine Stefan, 

Who Should Attend:
This workshop is designed for all types of water systems serving 10,000 or fewer people (though systems of any size may attend.) Consultants and technical assistance providers serving water systems are also invited to attend. Water system managers and decision-makers, in particular, will benefit from this workshop.

Introduction to Asset Management
Level of Service
Asset Inventory
Life Cycle Costing
Long Term Funding
