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Florida | Managing Your Water System Into the Future
439 439 people viewed this event.
Date and Time:
@ 09:00 AM (EST)
@ 04:30 PM (EST)
This workshop will cover skills and information to help you manage your water system successfully now and into the future. Topics include:
- Have the right people to run your system
- Ensure you get the longest life out of your infrastructure and have a plan to replace it
- Have the money you need for operations and capital
- Communicate these plans and financial needs to decision makers and the public
This workshop is designed for local government drinking water system managers, clerks, treasurers, elected officials, and others who budget and/or set rates.
Trainer: Glenn Barnes, Senior Project Director, Environmental Finance Center at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Partners: American Water Works Association (AWWA), Florida Section of the American Water Works Association (FSAWWA)
Introduction and Asset Management
Workforce Development
Revenues for Small Water Systems
Working Effectively with Decision Makers
Tools and Resources for Small Systems