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Arizona Webinar | Asset Inventory and Mapping for Small Water System Owners/Operators/Managers

326 326 people viewed this event.
Date and Time: 11-12-2020 @ 09:00 AM (EST) to 11-12-2020 @ 12:15 PM (EST)
Location: Online Event

Asset Inventory and Mapping for Small Water System Owners/Operators/Managers
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2020
Time: 9:00am-12:15pm MST
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Description: The Environmental Finance Center Network and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality invites small water system owners, operators and managers to the following webinar to earn PDHs and learn about:

  • Asset Management: What is it and how do inventory and mapping fit in?
  • Tools & Techniques for Inventory Development
  • Water System Mapping: Putting Your Data to Work

Online via GoToWebinar | Register Today
Agenda | View/Download 
Training Objectives | View/Download

Asset Management is a process that allows a water or wastewater system to better manage its assets and improve the workday for its employees. It helps improve efficiency and reduce unplanned, reactionary activities in favor of more planned, proactive work.

As we move beyond the basics of asset management, we will briefly revisit the overall thought process of asset management during the first part of this training, focusing more specifically on more advanced concepts related to asset inventory and mapping.

The second portion of the training will focus on specifics of data gathering for the asset inventory. We will discuss:

  • The types of data that can and should be collected
  • The readily available data collection apps
  • Creating a basic data collection form within an application
  • Avoiding common data collection mistakes
  • Building data collection into daily system activity

In the third session, we will cover the basics of a water system map. We will discuss using locational data collected for your water system assets to create a map. We will explore a variety of mapping platforms, including ESRI’s ArcGIS Pro, and free software programs such as QGIS as well as Google Earth to create useful GIS (geographic information system) maps of your water system. We will focus on the resources available and how to best utilize collected system data.

Training Credit: Professional Development Hours (PDHs) will be awarded

Contact: If you have any questions or concerns in regard to this workshop, please contact:
Capacity Development Program | Phone: 602-771-4220
