by Erin Riggs | Jul 17, 2019 | Partnerships
Across North Carolina, population shifts, flooding and drought, changes in industry and manufacturing, and the continuous move toward a reduction in overall water use has continued to create partnership opportunities for large and small water and wastewater systems...
by Liz Harvell | May 21, 2019 | Partnerships
Now is a time of growing uncertainty and change in the water sector. Meanwhile, there are tens of thousands of water utilities and authorities in the United States. Collaboration will be essential to securing our nation’s water future. As the adage goes, there’s...
by Claudia Flores | May 20, 2019 | Access to Water Funding Sources, Partnerships
Calling all North Carolina water and wastewater systems who are considering merging/regionalization or other state funding agencies that want to promote regionalization. The North Carolina Merger/Regionalization Feasibility Grant offers water and wastewater systems an...
by Dawn Nall | May 1, 2019 | Additional Support Organizations, Partnerships
According to EPA, Water and Wastewater Agency Response Networks (WARNs) are comprised of “utilities helping utilities” within a state respond to and recover from emergencies by sharing resources with one another. WARNs are governed by a common mutual aid agreement....
by Brian Bohnsack | Apr 17, 2019 | Additional Support Organizations, Partnerships
Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels Is your utility taking full advantage of partnerships with your local fish and wildlife agencies? Are you missing out? Enhanced watershed pollution control, reduced chemical treatment costs, and improved water...
by Jeff Hughes | Mar 6, 2019 | Financial Management, Partnerships
A synthesis of the financial implications of consolidating water utilities based on the experience of eight communities. The US Water Alliance and the UNC Environmental Finance Center are committed to advancing fact-based, common-ground solutions to our nation’s most...