Project Funding Challenges & Opportunities: Applying for Specific Funding Sources

Nevada’s Department of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Finance Center at California State University, Sacramento joined EFCN for a series of webinars focused on funding and financing strategies and opportunities for Nevada water services. The webinars...

Water Loss Series for Small Water Systems: Billing Data in Water Auditing

Join experts from the Southwest Environmental Finance Center for a no-cost webinar series on Water Loss. This series shows small water systems why and how to complete a water audit, and provides guidance on using the audit results to further water loss control within...

Leveraging Fish and Wildlife Agency Resources to Benefit Your Water System Trim

Are you aware of the programs and services that fish and wildlife agencies have that may benefit your water utility? Like you, many fish and wildlife agencies’ programs are designed to maintain or enhance aquatic environments. This webinar shared insights into these...

Jump Starting Long-Term Planning and Setting Financial Targets

Long-term planning is important to the success of water systems. As the great sage Yogi Berra pointed out, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” This webinar will cover the key elements of different types of long-term plans, including...

Funding and Financing Strategies for Integrated Hazard Mitigation and Water Resource Plans

In light of increasing development and ever-changing future conditions, increasingly stressed infrastructure, and growing financial pressures, integrating hazard mitigation and water quality-focused resource management is becoming more and more critical to the success...