Our Impact

The EFCN creates lasting change one community at a time–starting with clean, safe water and how to pay for it. Our cutting-edge resources, hands-on training, and free professional services support thriving communities and protect critical environmental resources. 

Worker at a water treatment facility

Leading the way in finance solutions for environmental infrastructure and improvement since 1992

Environmental Finance Centers have served local communities in all 50 states since 1992. In 2022, we celebrate our 30th anniversary as hands-on technical assistance and training providers.


Visitors to the EFCN Website


Training (In-Person & Virtual)

Total Trainings 637

Total Attendees 27,904

Technical Assistance Projects

Drinking Water 785

Wastewater 247

Click here to request technical Assistance


Completed 228

Attendees 23,358

Educational Videos

Completed 39


Completed 76


Completed 17


Completed 107

CWSRF Series

Completed 13

Attendees 1,453


EFCN Annual Progress Report: 2024 Highlights and Over a Decade of Serving Small Systems

Celebrating milestones and successes in 2024! This report showcases our nationwide contributions to small water and wastewater systems, featuring 2024’s standout multimedia successes, most popular training topics, and the big impact we’ve made on small systems over the past year.

See What Other Water Professionals Have to Share About EFCN

While we cannot know how every system uses the information provided, we do have a few examples below of feedback from communities that show how decision makers and utility staff  intend to implement what they learned from the training.

I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for yalls training. I passed my first test not knowing nothing about collections and wastewater. I want to move forward. Thanks Again.

2024 opcert webinar series attendee, colorado

The class helped me to set up a better way of presenting our needs and goals to the community and will help explain why our rates may have to go up to keep the system solvent.

Chairman & Operator

As someone who is new in this field, I found all of the components very informative. It helps to understand how water systems are affected and what they can do in response to the coronavirus emergency.

Regulatory and Compliance Engineer

Thank you very much for reaching out to me and our system, with this excellent and helpful webinar. If we are able to implement even ½ of the things I learned about tonight, that will be a start in the right direction; the future of our water company depends on such information, and such developments from our board.

Local Elected Official

Thank you so much for this webinar and offer to help! It makes us feel like we are not alone in getting through this time. Thank you so much!! You Rock!

System Manager